HIPAA in a Minute Briefings

HIPAA | Corporate Compliance & Ethics | Information Privacy & Security | Cybersecurity

I read "a lot," so you only have to read "a little."
My newsletters have no specific intervals. When I have something to share, I do.
-- Michael A. Alicea, Independent Consultant

..:: Healthcare Practices | Dental | Skilled Nursing | Assisted Living | and related ::..

HIPAA Refresher: Risk Analysis
Cybersecurity incidents cost organizations $1,197 per employee, per year
HIPAA123 logo
OCR Reminds Providers and Their BAs – You Need an Incident Response Plan
8 Critical Actions to Avoid the DOJ’s Corporate Enforcement
Hospital Workers Charged with Selling Patient Information
Should Ransomware Payoffs Be Outlawed
Smaller Healthcare Organization Senior Executive Roundtables

Previous Briefings can be found here.

We are here to help! Just ask.

Reach out to me if there is anything special you'd like covered in the newsletter, would like to chat about a topic further, or if I can assist in any other way. --Michael

Michael A. Alicea, Independent Consultant, Speaker, Trainer
email me | about me | call me: +1 (855) 794-4722
Orlando, Florida
