HIPAA in a Minute Briefings
HIPAA | Corporate Compliance & Ethics | Information Privacy & Security | Cybersecurity
I read "a lot," so you only have to read "a little."
My newsletters have no specific intervals. When I have something to share, I do.
-- Michael A. Alicea, Independent Consultant
..:: Healthcare Practices | Dental | Skilled Nursing | Assisted Living | and related ::..
All e-PHI created, received, maintained or transmitted by an organization is subject to the Security Rule. The Security Rule requires entities to evaluate risks and vulnerabilities in their environments and to implement reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect against reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of e-PHI. Risk analysis is the first step in that process.
According to a new report released by Perception Point and Osterman Research, organizations pay $1,197 per employee yearly to address cyber incidents across email services, collaboration apps, and web browsers.
Complete compliance support packages starting at just $199/mo. Everything's included! Learn more.
The organization will want to think about who is on the “security incident response team.” This is a team that is organized and trained to effectively respond to security incidents. OCR offers several areas to consider when forming a team.
With a new focus on corporate criminal enforcement, the DOJ has also given companies a playbook for avoiding running afoul of the law. Explore eight actions you can take to remain in the government’s good graces.
Authorities charged five former Tennessee hospital workers, with conspiracy in disclosing health data. Federal prosecutors say they sold information related to motor vehicle accidents to third parties, including chiropractors and personal injury attorneys.
Cybersecurity experts advise extortioned companies to not pay off the ransom to get their IT systems and data back. Now, one country (Australia) is considering making that advice an actual law.
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Reach out to me if there is anything special you'd like covered in the newsletter, would like to chat about a topic further, or if I can assist in any other way. --Michael
Michael A. Alicea, Independent Consultant, Speaker, Trainer
email me | about me | call me: +1 (855) 794-4722
Orlando, Florida